by Vas Mylko, Roman Bilusyak, Alex Sukholeyster
On 1st of April, 2018, three of us began full-time work on startup Ingeenee. To build an ingenious engine for most curious trips. During the year we were executing Phase I — Technological. It is Artificial Intelligence, even more — it is Artificial Smartness. Technically speaking it is CAS (aka Complex Adaptive System), capable of doing NP-complete search in real-time SLA. It’s high tech. Check for the current progress. Phase I will end with the scaling of trip search for the United States [in process].
One year later, on 1st of April, 2019, three of us strategized and planned the next Phase II — Product-Market fit, powered by new search technology. We are building the global marketplace of most curious trips. There will be changes in the team soon. Since 1st of May, 2019, Alex is stopping full-time responsibilities. He will keep a minor stake in the company as co-founder and past contributor. Vasyl and Roman continue full-time further into Phase II, for the new travel era from 2020.
We will be doing new hires when the time comes. Coders should look to those seven books and this dev stack. Coders will have to program HPC on bare metal. Data’ers should be ready to deal with 1PB. AI’ers should be hacking The Master Algorithm. Artists should look to Una Curiosità concept, to imagine how to tease a Curious Traveler. Marketers will have to reach the users. Stay tuned and get prepared \m/