More Redesign

2 min readJul 2, 2023


by Vas Mylko, Roman Bilusiak

First, we redesigned the homepage and menu and established the style. Now we are releasing country pages in the style. After that, we will release tuning features in this design and style. It’s a big initiative to make Curiosio more usable for new users and more useful for power users.

Country Pages

The overall structure of the pages remained the same and the order of sections has need preserved. Mainly we restyled them to be in our new branded style. New sections are interactive and could be closed/opened, it’s accordion. Click/tap on the section title to toggle it. By default, all sections of the country page are opened. Below is Sweden with explanations by section:

Netflix of Trips

Interactive accordion IxD pattern solves two problems: makes the UX work good on desktop and mobile screens, enables more sections without breaking usability. One of the forthcoming sections to the country pages is Netflix of Trips. It’s a codename.

It is going to be implemented over our Web Index of travel stories, travel guides, travelogues, and travel articles. Most probably we will structure them into the Lists of Lists. Put select lists as a nested accordion into the Netflix of Trips section on the country page. Put the deeper lists on separate pages, like you can see in the Cabinet in the current version.

What Else

We relocated the Perimeter entry point from the waypoints field to a separate one. The main reason is usability. It was easy to set a custom perimeter but it wasn’t easy to remember or notice that the custom perimeter is still active while you slightly changed the context of your trip construction. Instead of remembering you will be seeing it from now.

Curiosio was smart enough to reset the perimeter when the context changed significantly. But could not guess what to do if you are staying in the same country. Now you will see the active custom perimeter in the form on par with dates, budget, # of travelers and you will decide whether to keep it or reset it. Maybe we will additionally show the graphical icon along the text in the field only when the custom perimeter is active.



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